Monday, March 5, 2012

Weekend: Skirt Sewing and Mochi

This past weekend was another busy one of hosting an out-of-town friend, this time my high school pal/bridesmaid Sarah, who graciously came to teach me how to read a pattern!

I must be honest; I don't think this blog could possibly become a learn-to-sew blog because a) i have no idea what I'm doing and b) it's hard to remember to take pictures when you're learning to sew!

In lieu of great shots of our sewing adventures, here's some shots from the weekend:

On Friday, I read Dr. Seuss books to kindergartners...perfect excuse to wear my new red pants from Gap.

On Saturday, Sarah and I headed to Joann's to pick out some fabric to make a skirt, using a Simplicity pattern my mom gave me. We were really tempted to buy this ridiculous man candy fabric...

But ultimately went with a kelly green cotton. The skirt, unfortunately, is about an inch too small in the waist for me (motivation perhaps?), but we could get it to zip at least. Sarah also incredibly generously gifted me with Martha's Encyclopedia of Sewing...I'm so excited that I've actually added another skill (very, very rudimentary mind you) to my oeuvre!

I also introduced Sarah to mochi ice cream. Have you ever had mochi ice cream? It's ice cream wrapped in a chewy, puffy rice cake. It's so weird and yet so delicous and fun. I always buy it at Trader Joe's.

How was your weekend? I have an extremely busy week ahead, full of meetings and such, but I hope I'll have some time to breathe and hopefully update this here blog some more.


gina-mom said...

Just wondering, what happened to the fabric I gave you with the pattern?

Amber said...

I used it to learn how to use the machine when I first got back from Christmas.