Friday, November 30, 2012

Jams of the Week

TV Jam: "Homeland"

In April, Sean and I watched the premiere of "Homeland" on our flight back from Ireland and from that moment, I knew we were in for it. Our friend Ashleigh took one for the team and subscribed to Showtime, so we've been popping over to her house to have 7-episode marathons and get caught up! Don't tell me anything that happens!!!! It's that good.

Reading Now: "Flight Behavior" by Barbara Kingsolver

I'm not prepared to call this a jam just yet, mainly because I haven't gotten very far, but my dad got me Barbara Kingsolver's new book, "Flight Behavior," for my birthday. It takes place not far from where I grew up (theoretically...the location is fictional), so that's very intriguing. I find her descriptions and the dialogue are very authentic and familiar. 

Hometown Music Jam: The Last Bison
Sean and I have been keeping up with Bison, now called The Last Bison, for about a year now, but finally got to see them on Wednesday night at 96x's Winter Meltdown. They are absolutely on par with the best multi-instrumentalist folk bands out there, a mix of Decembrists-meets-Edward Sharpe-meets-Carter Family. They hail from Chesapeake, and we couldn't be prouder of them.

Holiday Scent Jam: MELT Winter Pine candle

I'm not a super candle person usually...I don't mind burning one when things seem to be getting a little rank up in here, but I don't burn one every minute of the time I'm at home. I also have a weird hatred of Yankee Candle's jars (i dunno...they're not very classy, in my opinion) and I hate how conspicuous the labeling is on all of their products, so I tend to shy away from them. 

BUT I was really craving that Christmas smell of trees and magic, so I picked up this candle at Target, which is from their collaboration with Nest candles, and it smells lovely. The jar is also super pretty and understated, just clear with an etched Moroccan pattern. I've been burning it every day when I get home and it might have converted me to becoming a Candle person.

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