Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Secrets to Surviving Sunburn

I'm still nursing a pretty gnarly sunburn from Saturday's tubing excursion. But I'm stumbled upon a combination that works for making life bearable:
My friend Mallory heard about my plight and recommended Clinique's After-Sun Balm, a wonderful cooling, soothing lotion with aloe but none of aloe gel's stickiness or tightness. I've literally been carrying it in my purse so I can sneakily apply it at the office, at Target or in the car as necessary.

Hopefully you already knew about Advil. Needless to say, pain relief + reduced inflammation is a good time.

I'm also newly addicted to La Croix sparkling water. Keeping me hydrated, while making me feel like I'm on the French Riviera!

And of course, the best thing to take my mind off my burning skin: cheering on these precious babies! I love the Olympics something fierce and I surprise myself by remembering gymnastics moments from back in 92. So happy we're back on top for the first time since I was 12!

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