Friday, November 18, 2011

Out and About in Hampton Roads

It's the most wonderful time of the year, right? It's starting to get crazy busy, especially in the Kennedy household. This week alone, I had a birthday party, celebrated my actual birthday, went to the Design Sponge book signing (see above!), out for drinks and tomorrow I'm going to continue what's become a strange, surreal tradition: walking a balloon in the Norfolk Grand Illumination Parade:

 Years ago, my friend Ashleigh invited me to walk in the parade with her company. She made it sound like we'd be riding on a float, handing out candy, so you can imagine my surprise when I got there and found out I'd be walking a balloon, just like in the Macy's parade.

If you've never done this (and I'm guessing most of you haven't), it's surprisingly strenuous and hard work. It's all about teamwork, watching out for horse poo, lowering the balloon for every overpass and power line and lifting the legs so they don't drag on the ground. Oh yeah, and you have to shout "Happy Holidays" and wave and grin for the cameras.

This was our balloon last year!

Did I say cameras? Why yes! If you're in the Hampton Roads area, you might catch me at work on Channel 13 at 7 p.m. Saturday, at 9 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day, 3 p.m. on Dec. 5 and at noon on Christmas Eve. Even better, you should come down to the parade; it really is one of the best local parades I've ever seen! Find more details here.

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