Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wino Blind Tasting

A few weeks ago at wine club, one of us wondered if we have learned enough and developed our palates enough to tell varietals apart in a blind tasting.

Erica agreed to buy the bottles, hide their labels and be the mistress of ceremonies. Lauren, who just DIY'd an AMAZING patio with her husband, agreed to host. And all of us showed up with our best hats on.

Erica hid three whites and three reds in these elegant velvet pouches. We were given our options to guess from: riesling, pinot grigio and moscato; merlot, cabernet sauvignon and shiraz. Then we wrote down our answers, as you can see.

I found out, to my surprise, that I could accurately guess the reds, but was totally fooled by a sweet riesling that I was SURE was moscato. Obviously, I need to do more studying, wink wink.

 The boys enjoyed beer. You can see behind them where Lauren and her husband have added a koi pond and will soon have an outdoor kitchen. I told her they must feel invincible now that they've done this.

Aren't the koi beautiful? We learned koi is just Japanese for carp...did you know?

For nibbles, Lauren headed out to Bon Vivant Market and picked up a selection of cheeses and cured meats. Inspired by a cheese plate she had at The Birch Bar, Lauren put out a little dish of honey to drip on the meat and cheese.

It was delicious. Seriously.

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